Loving lately: Lee Jofa floral pillows and green home decor Jun 9 Written By Victoria Zenns Green home decor Sources:Hydrangea cards: AmazonRound frame: MarshallsOrchid: TJ MaxxMirror: Brooke & LouPillow: EtsyEnd table: MarshallsLamp: AmazonSconces: Amazon This content contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase using the links included, we may earn commission. Victoria Zenns
Loving lately: Lee Jofa floral pillows and green home decor Jun 9 Written By Victoria Zenns Green home decor Sources:Hydrangea cards: AmazonRound frame: MarshallsOrchid: TJ MaxxMirror: Brooke & LouPillow: EtsyEnd table: MarshallsLamp: AmazonSconces: Amazon This content contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase using the links included, we may earn commission. Victoria Zenns